Retail and Consumer Industry
Retailers as well as customers value the service, the quality, the price, and the right function of the product. At Fusion Epoxy, we started our business model taking the retail industry as an strategic to showcase the brand, the products, and our quality.
World-class Logistic Technologies
We have invested over 4 million USD on the last 4 years to build a system in which our retailers can trust a fast and easy handling of their products. Time and money can be the difference for a customer and a retailer.
AI and Customer Experience
The industry has been in the constant innovation to create experiences to their customers, that is why, at Fusion Epoxy have develop with help of AI our EpoxyFinder® and EpoxyQR® experiences for our customers.
Products could be overwhelmed for how many are there. We are here to help.
We comply with all regulatory compliances, all our products are solvent-free, constantly tested and internal quality controls, as well as having TDS and SDS for each of our products.
Sustainable Commercial Relations
We are compromise for a sustainable product, all our packing is source by reciclable components as well as we partnership with local regulators to dispose any remaining materials to the right reciclable provider.